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Typical Wall Types for Pole Buildings

  • In most cases, the wall consists of ¾ gauge 29 or gauge 26 metal deck spans vertically between the grits.
  • When the spans between poles/columns are up to 12 feet, the grits are 2×6, 2 is horizontal dimension or width and 6 in the vertical dimensions or the depth. The girt spans between the poles/columns. In this case, the girt are fasted to the pole/columns by 6-20d face nails.
  • However, if the spans between poles/columns are increased more than 12 feet, the girt are 2×6 but orientated in the horizontal position, 6 is horizontal dimension or width and 2 in the vertical dimensions or the depth. In this case the purlins are recessed and fasten to the sides of each pole/columns by a typical joist hanger orientated in the horizontal position.
  • In the above two cases the metal deck fastened to the girt and to the poles with 1 ½ inches screws can produce a shear walls that can resist up to 150 plf shear. This is important because if you designed the poles/columns as a propped cantilever,
  • When pole buildings are used for an office or a residence, walls may consist of a typical stick framing 2×6 studs at 16 or 24 inches on centers instead of the girt.