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President and CEO of PSE, Dr. Nabil (Bill) Taha received the Honorary Alumnus Award at the 2017 Oregon Institute of Technology Alumni & Student Awards Brunch. There are many reasons Dr. Taha was selected to receive this award, from the seismic retrofitting of multiple buildings on campus, to guest lectures in classrooms,hiring graduates at his firm, as well as stepping in to teach when needed. “Nabil has been a great friend to the university” Says, Professor Sean St. Clair.


His local firm, PSE Consulting Engineers, Inc. has made a name for itself through Sustainable Engineering, while being involved in the engineering of structures that many other firms will not work with. Including Earthbag homes, Shipping/Cargo Container structures, Straw-bale homes and other Green Engineering alternatives. Professor St. Clair mentions “one of the reasons he has been so successful is because he has been so flexible and creative”. Nabil also always tries to be involved financially with the institution to assist in any way possible. “he’s pitched in for our huge civil engineering trailer… anytime we’re need, Nabil is there to help” says, St. Clair.

Congratulations, Dr. Taha.

OIT Alumnus Award